We share stories and evidence on the link between urban design and human wellbeing.
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What makes an age-friendly home?
Canada’s population is aging. Our homes need to catch up.
Low barrier, high impact: The value of community placemaking
How to measure success of public space transformations.
The business case for placemaking
To strengthen local economies, create places that people want to spend time in.
How can placemaking contribute to reconciliation?
Indigenous community members are shaping placemaking and urban design projects to share their histories of place and create stronger communities.
Placemaking for our planet: How community projects fight climate change
Community gardens, food co-ops, bike programs, and more are tackling climate resilience at the neighbourhood scale.
Making space for youth in our communities
How city staff, community organizations, and placemakers can create better places for young people.
Introducing: A free tool to study public life
Happy Cities’ award-winning Public Life Study can help you measure the impact of public space transformations on community connections, trust, and inclusion.
How placemaking positively impacts our health
How shared spaces can support physical and mental health for people of all ages.
Alienation is a losing game: What urbanists can learn from the haters
To change peoples’ minds, we have to make an effort first to listen.
The happier missing middle: Lessons for building an urban cohousing village
A Q&A with the project team behind Our Urban Village on the benefits and challenges of cohousing, including financial commitments, development approvals, expanding impact, and learning to live in community.
New housing rules in BC: How can denser neighbourhoods support wellbeing?
Three ways to ensure that new development contributes to happier, healthier, more inclusive cities.
Why are great streets so hard to build?
To make every street wonderful, add it to people’s job descriptions.
Our Urban Village: A new model for social, missing middle housing?
Cohousing lite is a promising solution to our loneliness and housing crises. Why aren’t we building more of it?
Placemaking builds trust. Here’s why cities should invest in it
When people take an active role in shaping their community, they build social connections and trust—with one another, and with local government.
How cohousing builds support across generations
Cohousing communities reveal the benefits of supportive, multigenerational neighbours—showing that apartment living doesn’t have to be lonely or isolating.
Can our homes make us less lonely?
Three ways to design multi-unit housing for social connection, happiness, and health.
10 years of Happy City: Our readers' stories
It's been 10 years since the publication of the book Happy City, by Charles Montgomery. Our readers share how the book influenced their career and life journeys.