Feeling safe

People are more likely to build trusting and meaningful relationships in environments that feel safe.

Overview of an urban housing development integrating strategies for a safe community environment
Diverse housing forms

Eyes on courtyard

Design illustration of a courtyard visible to neighbours, encouraging community watchfulness.
Image of a woman holding a baby in a community courtyard promoting interaction and outdoor time.

No leftover spaces

Architectural concept drawing contrasting undesirable dark spaces with well-lit, inviting areas.
Photo depicting neglected common areas leading to vandalism and illegal activities.

Visual connections

Architectural drawing showing balconies and porches designed for visual connection to the street
Text slide discussing the community safety benefits of resident and business owner street surveillance

Social concierge

Photograph of two people carving pumpkins, suggesting community engagement activities
Text slide explaining the importance of building social capital through communal activities

Clear wayfinding

Cross-section view of a modern building highlighting clear navigation paths for way-finding
Text slide on way-finding rationale, highlighting the importance of clear navigation in multi-family housing for residents' safety and comfort

Social group size

