Las Vegas 2050 master plan – Charleston area

Happy Cities is creating a master plan to guide equitable, healthy, resilient growth for the next 25 years in Charleston, Las Vegas.

Map of the plan area. Charleston is bounded by I-15 to the East, by South Buffalo Drive in the West, and the US-95 in the North. The area contains such neighborhoods as Las Vegas Springs, Baskin Park, Charleston Heights, Rainbow park, and more

Map of the neighbourhoods in the Charleston area, Las Vegas. (Happy Cities)

The Las Vegas 2050 Master Plan was adopted by City Council in 2021 to guide the development of an equitable, resilient, healthy, livable and innovative city for residents and visitors alike. The plan identifies 16 plan areas of the city, each with different development priorities and opportunities.

The Charleston area

Happy Cities is working with the City of Las Vegas to lead the development of the Charleston Area Plan, the second of all the area plans for the city. The purpose of the area plan is to build on and implement the Las Vegas 2050 vision while creating a plan that is specific to the needs of the local community. Charleston is located just west of downtown Las Vegas, bounded by two major highways and including several transit corridors. The area spans over 5,100 acres and is home to several diverse neighbourhoods and demographics.

map showing the City of Las Vegas areas and boundary, and highlighting the Charleston area within Las Vegas. Charleston is located in the south-west part of the city, next to downtown las vegas

Map of the Las Vegas, highlighting the Charleston area directly west of downtown. (Happy Cities)

Happy Cities will develop the Charleston area plan to guide City priorities and investments for:

  • Housing and development

  • Parks and open space

  • Amenities, such as playgrounds or recreation centers

  • Transit, sidewalks and bike lanes

  • Jobs and education facilities

The plan is being developed through a combination of background research, GIS analysis, collaboration with City staff, and deep community and stakeholder engagement.

Community engagement

Happy Cities is conducting three rounds of community engagement to inform the development of the Charleston Area Plan. Engagement activities include both in-person and online opportunities to participate, including surveys, focus group sessions, and community pop-up events in neighbourhoods across Charleston.

During the second round of engagement (anticipated for Fall 2024), community members and stakeholders will be invited to share feedback on vision for the plan. The final round of engagement (anticipated for Winter 2025) will invite the community to share input on the draft plan before it is finalized.


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